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Employees of the month - September to December

Monday, December 21, 2020

Employees of the month - September to December


Pam Jones – September winner

Pam is a real asset to The Welsh Pantry; she always ensures her work is completed to a high standard. Pam steps up to cover shifts when needed and always supports the wider business as well as her own team.



Chris Clifford – October winner

Chris is a trusted member of the team and has great knowledge of several areas of the business. Through Chris’s enthusiasm and desire to develop he has now been appointed as a Team Leader.



Sarah Fleckell and Jamie Jones – November winners

Sarah is a trusted and conscientious member of the team who always strives to do her best. Sarah always leads by example and is happy to assist the business whenever needed.

Jamie has really grown in the last year and is a reliable member of the team. He always has a great attitude and is a real team player. Jamie always delivers his job with a positive attitude


Ali Giamel – December winner

During the busy Christmas period Ali really stepped up in his role. He ensured that the factory was always spotless and ready to go for each new working day. A very valued team member.